Sales Team
The OAV Sales Team is comprised of highly-trained individuals, whose main objective is to ensure customer satisfaction. They work with customers at every stage, from choosing the machines best-suited for their productions, to after-service and spare parts inquiries. Each of our Sales representatives has an extensive knowledge base, and are happy to help customers with any inquiries they may have about a product's features. They are also available to offer advice about extending a customer's product range, to research machines the customer is interested in that OAV does not offer, and to advise customers about staying ahead of their competitors.
OAV's Sales Team works with companies in 60 countries, and are always making strides in building new partnerships, in countries where OAV does not currently have an agent. They also travel to exhibitions, in order to promote OAV's products, and assist in expanding the OAV brand.
The Sales Team is also committed to working with our customers and making sure their feedback is heard, through customer satisfaction surveys. They take great care in making sure that the features customers feel need improvement are changed, improved, or made to be more user-friendly, and that new machines are designed to best meet the customers' needs. The OAV Sales Team believes that by working together with the customers, anything can be accomplished.
Why Choose OAV