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双端榫机, Safety Cabinet 作榫机

提供双端榫机的详细产品服务资讯,包括型号、名称、叙述和规格。我们秉持着精益求精及高品质保证,提供一系列实用且价格合理的双端榫机产品,并以多年的丰富经验及技术获得国内外客户赞许及肯定,若您有任何采购Safety Cabinet 作榫机, 双端榫机需求,欢迎与我们联络。

Safety Cabinet 作榫机


To produce the highly quality furniture, the best choice must be ECT SERIES – DOUBLE END TENONER. It could deal properly with all kinds of furniture, such as solid wood products and panel furniture. Not only for cutting prefer size for double sides of panel, profile moulding and sanding, but also making the angular or tongue & groove according to your demand. All fully automatic functions can provide the most efficient capacities.

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仕兴机械工业股份有限公司以顾客满意服务为宗旨,提供专业的双端榫机咨询与服务。欢迎您透过上述表单将双端榫机的洽询需求传送给我们,我们会尽快与您联络。若您对于其他Safety Cabinet 作榫机, 双端榫机产品服务有任何采购需求,亦可来信或来电洽询,我们会提供最优质服务并且立即解决您的问题。